Competition Rules

  1. The Alessandro Casagrande International Piano Competition will take place from September 11 to 17, 2022 in the “Sergio Secci” Theatre in Terni (via Franco Molè, 33). The public Competition will be preceded by a pre-selection based on the material sent by the contestants (video and curriculum vitae)
  2. The Competition is open to pianists of any nationality born after September 17, 1989
  3. The application must be done exclusively online on the website of the Competition www.concorsocasagrande.orgbetween November 1 and December 15, 2021. Before the application, the competitors must submit the non-refundable Registration Fee of € 70 via bank transfer (net of bank charges) to:

    Palazzo Carrara, Vico Sant’Agape 1 – 05100 Terni
    IBAN:  IT63H0335901600100000068309
    PURPOSE: Iscrizione Concorso Casagrande di (YOUR FULL NAME)
    The application form should be accompanied by:
    One or more links to private video files previously uploaded on the digital video platforms Youtube or Vimeo with the Pre-Selection program (see Program)
    curriculum vitae in PDF format
    a complete program of all Competition Stages with the exact length of each work in PDF format
    a copy of a legal document proving date of birth and nationality in PDF format
    a recent photo suitable for publication in JPG format
    an official receipt proving the payment of the registration fee of € 70
    The fee is not refundable.
  4. By March 15, 2022 each competitor selected (up to a maximum of 28) will receive an email of confirmation from the secretary of the Competition. The following 10 competitors in order on the ranking list may be notified in eventual cases of cancellations or exclusions. By April 15, 2022 the competitors selected must complete the registration with the payment of € 80, not refundable via bank transfer (net of bank charges)
  5. The competitors must be present for the roll call and the piano rehearsals September 10, 2022 at the scheduled time that will subsequently be communicated, at the “Sergio Secci” Theatre – via Franco Molè, 33 – together with a document of identification, without which they will be eliminated from the Competition, and a copy of all of the scores in their program in the edition they intend to use. In case of delay, because of health or family reasons or any other reason beyond control, and provided that the first round has not been completed, the competitors may, by the undisputed decision of the Jury be admitted to the first round. In this case they will occupy in the First Stage the last place in the order of performance.
  6. The order in which the contestant will perform is determined by draw after the initial roll call and in
    the presence of all contestants and the contestant will adhere to it throughout the first three rounds. In the final round the order may be changed for reasons of program planning.
  7. The candidates that, for any reason, find themselves taking part in the Competition, regularly called, but not fulfilling all the requirements of the Competition rules will lose any right in connection with the Competition and to any claim for compensation.
  8. Practise facilities will be provided for all contestants. The Secretary Office will establish the practise
    schedule from September 10, 2022 onward.
  9. The candidates admitted to the second round, and throughout the time they remain in the Competition,
    will be reimbursed a flat rate of € 50 per day for their accommodation (upon production of a valid receipt) from the Alessandro Casagrande Foundation.
  10. All the pieces performed must be published works. The contestants must play by memory.
  11. The Jury can interrupt contestants during any stage of their performance as well as listen to them again if considered necessary.
  12. Any eventual change to the musical program must be made and sent to the Secretary Office of the Competition by May 15, 2022.
  13. The Jury is made up of a distinguished international panel of seven musicians. The members of the Jury shall be proposed by the Artistic Director and officially nominated by the Management Board Members of the Foundation. The Jury will be assisted by a secretary in all its proceedings without voting rights.
  14. The participation in the work of the Jury assumes the acceptance of the Competition rules.
    Members of the Jury must abstain from voting or any relative discussion concerning contestants with
    whom they are related or have taught within the past two years. At the opening of the Competition each Jury member will have to provide a declaration of his/her personal relationship with each contestant as indicated above. For whatever reason a Jury member is not able to hear the whole performance of a
    contestant he must abstain from voting on all the contestants admitted to the same round.
  15. All Jury decisions are undisputable and will be recorded in writing by the Jury Secretary.
  16. Rights in any Competition performance, recording or filming, belong to the Alessandro
    Casagrande Foundation; any eventual recording or radio and television broadcasts of the performances do not give the performers the right of payment or compensation.
  17. Contestants admitted to the Alessandro Casagrande Competition must abide by the Competition
    rules, which are final and not subject to question, review or appeal. In the event of complaint or dispute, only the italian text of the Competition rules will be valid.